Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wedding Bells!

Time is flying by, the summer is over (by the calandar anyway), and The Big Event is getting close! I am soo happy for Elissa and Hubert. They truly make a good match, and they both are so blessed. I am too, as her mama I want nothing more than for her to be happy.

I have gotten over my own anger from my last writing, I have been honest about my feelings. I have built a barrier of sorts for protection. I still love and care for him, but something inside me has changed. For now I can live one day at a time, trying to be firm in the knowledge that the universe will take care of tomorrow.

My work is my constant joy. I get so much goodness from the people. I lost one man recently, and that made me sad. He and I talked a little about God, and I visited his churchs' Easter service. He was my friend, Mr. Lofton.

I am going to start a new blog, just about "my peeps" (people). They have much to tell, when folks listen.
