Friday, October 23, 2009

The Trip

Okay. I have been searching maps to be sure of my beginning, but hell, who is? So I'll just start.

The afternoon I decided to do it Winn was with me. I sat down at our kitchen table with the atlas and closed my eyes. I put my finger down on where I was heading first (this was my decision making process), opened my eyes and saw Lexington, Kentucky. I thought this was cool, as I loved horses. So I packed one small bag and Winn took me to the Greyhound station in Marietta and I said my only goodbye.

The bus left late in the afternoon, so we rode into dark on back roads much of the time. It stopped at places that looked like nothing but an old front porch. I had a few drunks for company, along with several pregnant women, most slept most of the time. I was wide awake thinking and dreaming about what was to come. I never thought of ending up where I did, I was truly living by the moment.

I arrived in Lexington at 3 a.m. and to my despair found only one place open! I just went in for a moment and started my journey right then, with only my thumb and legs to depend on. I knew I wanted to go west, so I followed road signs and after a couple of hours got my first ride on the Bluegrass Parkway going west. What a way to start the day.....


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