Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year 2010!

I haven't done this in a while and it feels good to be writing again.

We all got through the holidays, and it turned out to be very nice. It was just the two of us and we really got into being together. I got a lesson in Making Do, as my oven quit and I cooked the turkey in the crockpot! Luckily, I had just gotten a breast, so it fit, barely. It turned out really good. As did the rest.

I started volunteering for Meals on Wheels right before Christmas and after one day they offered me a job! I deliver meals to homebound people M-F in the morning. It is as good as it comes for me and I love it. I went alone the first time last Wednesday, and got my first check since I became disabled! It was so cool!

I met Leigh and family in Dalton for dinner a couple of weeks ago and that was fun. It was good being with them. Leigh suprised me with a stocking filled with things like Mama used to. That was so special, I almost cried. Talk about thoughtful....

Elissa and Hubert went to France and I really missed being able to talk to her. We did Skype one day and they told me the news-Hubert officially proposed to her! On the Seine River, no less, along with champagne! He couldn't have gotten more romantic!! I look forward to helping with the wedding once she decides where and when.

I guess all in all it's been a pretty eventful time. Now I look forward to getting into a routine, and George and I getting down to business. I will try to keep up with this better.....


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