Monday, January 18, 2010

Intentions and The Route!

It's Monday and I'm looking forward to the week! It's great to say that and mean it, life seems to be unfolding for the good. Wait, I am intending life is unfolding for the good, for the Higher Power and all who believe. (I understand Intentions, but still can't word it right, but it works)

Elissa is happy and planning her wedding. I am so happy for her. I'm not sure about sharing her with someone else (that sounds ridiculas), but it is as it should be. I think she has found a good mate, one that I'll be happy to call son.

I'm not so sure about George. He struggles with physical pain even with the infusions and a boatload of medications. I hate it for him, I know pain can cloud ones vision. I try to help him and be positive. I share what I am learning with him, but he's not into talking about the spirit much. I wish he was, it would help us both. He worries and fusses and I have to be careful or he brings me down.

I love being able to talk to Dr. Z about anything. He is always upbeat in a quiet way that makes me feel at home. He is able to say a lot without talking much and I get so much good from that alone. I feel like he understands me, even when I don't. Starting back to see him has definitally been a good thing.

Work is wonderful. I don't feel like it's work at all, and it freaks me out to get a check on Fridays! I have gotten the route down pretty well, I still use the directions a good bit. More and more that's just for backup, though. I'm getting to know the people now and that's what it's really about. I got some valentines to give everybody, hopefully they'll bring a smile to them.

More next time....


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