Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Life is Good"

I always like seeing that statement on bumper stickers, tire covers, etc. It has proven to be a great reminder at the worst times, sometimes. I'm a beliver, always have been, even before it got popular.

At this time I can say it with real gusto. I have been feeling so good, and experiencing some new emotions (or old ones long buried), that it is scary! How many people can say " I cried with happiness today"? I did.

Already I am learning at lot from working with Meals on Wheels, and the people at Rosewood. I mean learning about life, and myself, and new friends. I want/need to write about it all, to help me understand and remember.

One day last week I went in Nellie's room and she was sitting up at the table. She told me about the medication she had just taken, and how she had to sit up for thirty minutes afterward. For her bones. She always has a ton of meds sitting out in groups, and I think a lot of her time is spent taking them. She is usually pretty cheerful and matter of fact, she told me she's 94 years old and things happen to people when they get old. On this morning she made the comment out of the blue-"Sometimes life is hard". And I could see it in her face.
I left and had to take a little time in the restroom at St. Elmo.

St.Elmo is a little community at the foot of Lookout Mtn., and it's the name of the apartments that three of my "deliveries" are. The apartments are in what used to be St. Elmo Public School. Dated back to the 1930's, I believe. The floors are the original hardwood, and the signs and feel of the old school are everywhere. The apartments themselves are nice, and it's all very clean. I wouldn't mind living there, except that I am not quite "Senior" enough!!

Speaking of apartments, George agrees, it's time for us to find a new place. More on that later. Gotta go get coffee for my man....


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