Friday, February 19, 2010

Chicago's Comming!!

I am getting sooo excited-a week from today I'll be with Elissa (and Hubert), and we can get snowed in for all I care. The main thing is I just want to be with my "Baby Girl". She brings so much to me, and I am amazed and proud just to know her.

My time with Dr. Z yesterday was shared with George, and I am glad I had the idea. I have been worried about him, his depression took a nosedive after his eye doctor told him he had glaucoma and cataracts. She didn't tell him any information at all, and his mind went to the worst case scenario right away. He added it to his other health problems and started talking about which would kill him first. I have never heard him so fatalistic and it really bothers me. I just happened to have the appointment with Z and it was a godsend. He told George to first get information by going to the right doctor. (I said that too, but it didn't sink in) So we got two names of opthomologists from Z and George seemed calmer. Now, it's up to me to keep it moving and get an appointment today for him, asap. Not a problem. I love George and I want to see him happy and getting the most out of life.

There is a selfish side of me that needs my partner to be on the same page as me, because I want to share my good things with him. Also, it is so easy to get bummed out myself by all of this, I feel like I have to be on constant alert. I will continue to be grateful for all my blessings, and go on with MY life, right or wrong.


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