Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Visit

I can see now that in this "blog" I will have to have past and present floating back and forth, just like real time. I had thought to just continue with a journal of my past, but for several reasons I am not ready to do that. So, I'll mix them.

A couple of days ago I went with little sister, Leigh, and family to Athens to visit my mothers' grave. It was the one year anniversary of her death and my first visit. It really hit me then, that she is gone, not just away. There is a lot on that subject alone, but I don't want to go there, it's past. Now it was more about the reunion of Leigh and me.

It was really good to be with them and to laugh and talk. They had all kinds of stories to tell, mostly funny ones. They seem to be happy people, and that makes me happy. Leigh had news for me regarding Mamas' last day at Spring Mountain, and the fact that she has filed a lawsuit against Spring Mtn., which took me by surprise. She started it almost a year ago, and just now told me, but that's okay. I believe it (the lawsuit) is warranted, and I'm glad she took it on herself to do it.

My hope is that Leigh and I can begin to have a good relationship as friends and sisters. Lord knows it has been umm, somewhat rocky in the past. I think we are off to a good start, I will do my part. Here's to family!


1 comment:

  1. It sucks to learn things so late in the game. I am glad you have a good attitude though. It's a challenge sometimes, but it also shows real character. You got loads of character. Don't ever forget it.
