Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Uppers and Downers

As in ups and downs, I thought that was a cute play on words, ANYway, that's how my life has been the last couple of weeks. I have felt like I need to make changes in a rush. I know doing that is dangerous, so I try not to give in. I have been trying to include George, as a lot of things I want to change have to do with home. Unfortunately, he has been hurt and in a lot of pain, and not in the mood to talk about or act on any of the stuff I'm into now. I understand, it's just bad timing on my part. I didn't plan on comming home and having him decommissioned, either(that sounds,and is completely selfish).

O.k., the Positive side of that is this: I have spent some time using the computer to shop online, looking things up, and in general just navigating around better. A few things Elissa tried to show me I thought I'd never remember are comming to me. A lot of times those incidences bring up more questions. I need a hotline to her just for question and answers.

The weather is starting to act a little Springish, and I feel it. I saw some jonquils in bloom yesterday and it made me smile for a long time. I also remembered home, Smyrna, the Jonquil City; and a ton of stuff related to that. I could go on for hours about that.

Now though, it's time to wind down and get George home, and myself to bed. I have been feeling so good during the day that I'm truly beat at night. So....


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