Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Morning Has Broken

I stole that title from a Cat Stevens song that is wonderful to me, has been for years. It's about the birth of a new day and I hear it often in my head when I hear the birds singing in the morning. That's a really special time to reflect for me. I think about the past day and plan for this day (even if it's just asking for a good one), give thanks for all the goodness in my life. Then I can go out into the day feeling peaceful and strong.

I remember a time when I was in recovery when I would sit on Mama & Daddys' porch every morning, just after dawn. I'd listen, and read my books,and meditate. Sometimes I would just look at the yard (which was great), and remember all the celebrations we had there. I can still picture that yard in detail, I loved it.

The yard is gone(sold to strangers), that period of my recovery outgrown, and Mama & Daddy are gone, too. In fact,this weekend, is the first anniversary of Mama passing. I miss her.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Tuesday

I am waiting to pickup George and even though I don't have much on my mind today,um, tonight, I figure if I'm going to do this I should keep up with it. So, let's see, today the EPB guys came and changed our TV to Fiber Optics also the Internet. It's some kind of way of receiving,I think. I'm a bonehead when it comes to stuff like that, big time. We are part of a test program, so we don't have to pay for a while. Isn't that spiffy? George is thrilled, he has 180 something channels and a DVR to play with. I guess I lost my mate....

Elissa and I had a long talk tonight and once again I realized how incredible intellegent she is.

She's great at talking and making sugesstions about problems. She always says something that means just what I need to hear, without being critical. It blows me away that she is my baby girl.

Got to go get Georgie.....


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am having some trouble with the laptop, or is it the internet? I don't know a lot about either, but sometimes it gets so slow it can't keep up with my typing. Mama wouldn't believe it. (She knows about my typing history) Sometimes I think I confuse the computer and times like that it's best just to give it up for a while.

I just got an email from Leigh telling me Lindsay has high cholesterhol and she is only in 4th grade. She has to go on a diet and regular exercise program. I know that isn't a bad thing, except to a young girl it might be tough. I was on a diet for weight when I was in 6th grade and I remember.

Time to go get George.


Monday, August 17, 2009


Here I am...lost! Not to worry, it's nothing serious, just Internet, computers, that type thing. I just got my first laptop nine months ago, and knew nothing. With the help of two patient souls I am muddling along. Just sending emails at first was enough, I love it. I had to get into more, so now I am in Facebook, and Twitter, and now this. It is truly mind boggling!

This has been a long day, one I feel like has been wasted. Because of foot surgery I am supposed to be "taking it easy", and I feel like I'm being bad if I don't accomplish a fair amount. Old hangup. I think there is a little blues hanging around, so I am going to do the sensible thing and go to bed, and look for doing better tomorrow.



Sunday, August 16, 2009


Beginnings are tough, scary, fun, no,mostly tough for me these days. I have a desire to try new things, though, so beginnings are necessary I guess. I am blessed with a good sense of humor, so I laugh at my mistakes, which means a lot of laughing. That's a good thing!

So, I am here, doing this and wondering why. I know part of the reason besides my curiosity, is my daughter. She continues to keep me updated as to what's going on in the world, and encourages me to try new things. Without her I'd be an old "stick in the mud". Yuck.

I don't know how to approach this, am I journaling to myself, or writing to an unknown? I have journaled to myself forever, in all kinds of notebooks that I keep put up for noone to read but me. This computer business is different. I could be writing to a pen pal I've never met. I did that once and ended up with a husband. Seriously. That was scary!

I think I'll stop for now and bring my dog in, as it's getting dark and she doesn't like it.