Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Tuesday

I am waiting to pickup George and even though I don't have much on my mind today,um, tonight, I figure if I'm going to do this I should keep up with it. So, let's see, today the EPB guys came and changed our TV to Fiber Optics also the Internet. It's some kind of way of receiving,I think. I'm a bonehead when it comes to stuff like that, big time. We are part of a test program, so we don't have to pay for a while. Isn't that spiffy? George is thrilled, he has 180 something channels and a DVR to play with. I guess I lost my mate....

Elissa and I had a long talk tonight and once again I realized how incredible intellegent she is.

She's great at talking and making sugesstions about problems. She always says something that means just what I need to hear, without being critical. It blows me away that she is my baby girl.

Got to go get Georgie.....


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