Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Morning Has Broken

I stole that title from a Cat Stevens song that is wonderful to me, has been for years. It's about the birth of a new day and I hear it often in my head when I hear the birds singing in the morning. That's a really special time to reflect for me. I think about the past day and plan for this day (even if it's just asking for a good one), give thanks for all the goodness in my life. Then I can go out into the day feeling peaceful and strong.

I remember a time when I was in recovery when I would sit on Mama & Daddys' porch every morning, just after dawn. I'd listen, and read my books,and meditate. Sometimes I would just look at the yard (which was great), and remember all the celebrations we had there. I can still picture that yard in detail, I loved it.

The yard is gone(sold to strangers), that period of my recovery outgrown, and Mama & Daddy are gone, too. In fact,this weekend, is the first anniversary of Mama passing. I miss her.


1 comment:

  1. I miss her too. I had missed her for a long time though, before she passed. She's in a happier place now. It's our turn to be sure we live the best of our lives.
